Tuesday, June 13, 2006

Today joke and funny news

Funny news: Love at the first chat?

16 years old Germany boy spend the night by bicycling more than 200 kilometers in order to meet the girl he knew on the internet. Last Wednesday (31/06) police said they tried to reach this boy parents when the boy arrived to Bremen Police Station, Northern Germany, asking for the direction to Hamburg -town where the girls live in- in very tired condition, Wednesday morning.

“This boy has no map, money or meal stock,” Police said.

His angry parent took him immediately back to Hamm in North-Rhine Westphalia, Western Germany.


Funny Fact.

Boots Chiporody Practices’ survey said people walk averagely 18.000 steps a day everyday (approximately 8 kilometers). If you think you will reach your 77th birthday, you will have been walking about 225.300 kilometers at that time- the same distance as 5 times traveling around the world!

Joke of the day.

“How much do you charge?” a women asks a lawyer.
“I get $30 for three questions,” the lawyers answers.
“Are you sure?” the women shocked.
“Yes, I am,” the lawyer replies. “Now, what is your last question?”


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